Sunday 7 December 2014

Documentary Treatment - unit 41

Title: The title of my documentary will be 'Behind the doors of Wesley West'

Synopsis: This documentary shows Wesley's unique work that he's been previously commissioned to make and work that he's made from scrap metal that he's found lying around. Interviews also take place to tell his story as to how he started off and what inspired him to follow this career path.

Themes and concept of the film: The documentary stars Wesley West and his years as an Advertiser and artist. The documentary will deal with themes such as ambitions, job aspects, comedy and creativity.

Length and other technical details: I am hoping that my documentary is around the 9 minute mark as it was intentional to produce a documentary between 5-10 minutes.  The format of the shot will include the Arc shot, Close up shot, medium shot and a panning shot to create a number of different shots of Wesley and his work. It will be in HD digital 

Target Audience: The target audience that i am aiming to attract includes a wide variety of people varying from late teens to the older generations such as 65's - 70s both men and women. These people maybe interested in the arts and enjoy going to see documentaries such as mine. I am aiming to enter my documentary into a range of different film festivals such as the Strawberry shorts film festival and also into cinemas such as Cambridge arts theatre. 

Contact Details: 
Email -
telephone number: 07983437341

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