Friday 14 November 2014

Recce Report - unit 41

Location, scouting and preparation:

 Name: The Wooden House,

Address: The Wooden House
               Twenty Pence Road

Not only where Wesley lives but also where he works so this is even more of a reason to interview him here.

His house is on the outskirts of Cottenhamn and is a large, yellow
wooden house in which he constructed himself.

Wesleys garden is full of many models and sculptures he has produced. He has a workshop in there due to him working from home.

We have been contacting Wesley via Hotmail and have sent him the questions and discussed the time, dates and how we plan to shot for the film.

We plan to shoot it on Wesley property as this is where the majority of his work is kept and will give the audience and insight into his life, household and living/working environment.

Before emailing Wesley to find out if we could shoot there, I knew we wanted to use the house as we had all driven past him house many times before and the property is an attractive bright yellow building.

I had found pictures of the house on websites linked to Wesley's work and on google maps. I was also aware he built the house himself due to the internet and one of my group members telling me.

I was also aware that he works from hope and his workshop is located in the garden so to shot the interview anywhere else would be more complicated and not relevant to him.

Once he agreed to be interviewed in his home, the crew and I met him over lunch. Before shooting the short documentary, we spoke over lunch in his home and got to know him. He also showed us around us around his house, showing us his work. This was helpful and we got to know him better and we knew what to focus on in the documentary when we started filming.

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