Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Pitch - unit 41

Research Tasks:

  • find out if we can interview the subject (a member in my group already has and Wesley is happy to have the documentary done and talk about his work.) 
  • Find out what days and times he is able to be interviewed. 
  • Discuss what equipment is need ad where we can get it from.
  • Do test shots with the camera (Handheld, shoulder mount, tripod etc..) and test out the boom mic.
  • Ask if the subject has any archive footage of themselves when he was younger (To do with their work - archive footage of Wesley                                                                         working as a child.)                                                                                                                    
The working Title will be : Behind the doors of Wesley West.

Genre: Non - fictional comedy.

Target Audience: The target audience would be art house viewers as they're more varied in the films they watch and are therefore more likely to go and see short independent films and documentaries. They also tend to be more supportive of the arts so will take a greater interest
in the film due to the artistic theme featured in it.

Long Line: This documentary is about a local inventor and creator and his background story of his life and work. 

Synopsis: This Documentary is based around an inventor and an advertiser named Wesley West. We would film him and his home where all the magic happens. We would show his work and inventions ranging from Double Decker buses with balcony's to Metal sculptures of animal and objects. 

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