Tuesday 30 September 2014

interview questions - unit 41

  • So what is it exactly that you do for a living?
  • Is this what you've always wanted to do for a living? What did you want to be when you were younger?
  • Have you got any role models or inspirational people that help you to get inspiration with your work?
  • What made you choose this line of work?
  • What did you do before you got into advertising?
  • What changes have you seen in the industry?
  • What is your biggest achievement? 
  • Have you got any favourite pieces of work that you've done?
  • Is there any work that we may have seen around Cambridge or in the newspapers?
  • What is it like working from home?
  • What kind of things have you produced from paid work?
  • What inspires you to do these sculptures in your spare time?
  • Is there anything that you're currently working on?
  • What are your plans for the future? Is there anything new you're planning on making in you're free time? 
  • What is the most challenging thing that you've had to do?

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