Thursday 18 June 2015

Script analysis.

For my Unit 11 - script writing project, | first had to write a draft script for my ideal documentary idea. I then got given peer feedback from teachers to give me a better story line set up and structure. This ranged from the way i should explain and word the descriptive parts to the set up and narrative structure on the questions i should ask the questions and the order in which i should ask them. This allow me to come out with a better script than i originally had with a better narrative structure and storyline.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Application of post production : visual and audio

1.)  with these visual post production images, i have edited something within this clip in order to enhance the visual aspect and to improve the clip. With the first clip i have edited the brightness so that it is easier to see the clip. 
2.) With this clip, i have also improved the brightness and enhanced the contrast. This has improved the clip. 

In this clip, i have reduced the speed in which the panning happens so that the motion creates a better feel for the audience and the location in which the clip is taken. 

1.) In this clip, i have made the sound clearer to clarify the quality of the sound to make it clearer and less noisy.

Unit11 - finished script

Thursday 14 May 2015





Monday 11 May 2015

peer feedback - unit 41

What works well:

  • I like the opening and the title is clear.
  • The music is clear and works well with the footage.
  • The sound of the road works well and gives a good idea of location.
  • Humorous clips makes the documentary work.
  • The documentary makes clear on who the main subject is.
  • The introduction is interesting.
  • Voice ver works well with the archive footage and teapot footage.
  • backstory allows us to know more about his career and his interesting life. 
  • montage of background footage works well along with his voice in the background.
What doesn't work:
  • Some of the footage isn't filmed so well - filmed on an iPhone instead of a camera - Poor quality.
  • Some of the sound is fuzzy and not so clear.
  • in some cases there is repetition and this can be spotted easily. This is not needed.